Koustas & Co


Koustas and Co is an award-winning firm of Chartered Accountants located in Melbourne and serve clients nationwide and internationally. Clients include a diverse range of private and public enterprises, and families.

The problem

Koustas had a significant amount of on-premises infrastructure, including 2 physical and 6 virtual servers. These systems were aging, expensive to maintain, and posed potential security risks. Without a permanent IT staff member, effectively managing and securing these servers was a problem.


Evisent were engaged to investigate the issue and determine suitability for a Cloud migration. After assessing a variety of approaches, Evisent proposed -and successfully implemented – the migration of all server workloads to the Microsoft Cloud. This migration leveraged the power of Office 365, Azure Active Directory, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams.

The Results

This project resulted in increased reliability (99.97% uptime in 2020), increased efficiencies through sharing and collaboration options, as well as a significant boost to security. Backups were also now automated, and Cloud based, eliminating the need for manual intervention. The decommission of physical servers reduced hardware and licensing costs, while eliminating some security concerns.

Koustas and Co could now enjoy the flexibility and mobility that the Cloud offers, allowing users access to the data and applications they need, when they need it, regardless of their location, securely.