Deepfake Dangers: Why Aussie Businesses Need to Stay Alert

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, deepfake technology is emerging as a significant concern for Australian businesses. Deepfakes, which leverage advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to create hyper-realistic but entirely fabricated videos and audio, are not just the stuff of science fiction anymore—they’re a growing threat to security and trust in the digital age. The […]

7 Common Pitfalls When Adopting Zero Trust Security

Zero Trust security is rapidly transforming the cybersecurity landscape. It moves away from traditional perimeter-based security models. In this approach, every connection attempt is continuously verified before granting resource access. ***56% of global organizations say adopting Zero Trust is a “Top” or “High” priority.*** This approach offers significant security advantages, although the transition process presents […]

Strengthening Your Cybersecurity: Essential Tips and Practices

We live in an era dominated by digital connectivity, and you can’t overstate the importance of cybersecurity. As technology advances, so do the threats lurking online. Often, our own actions, such as using weak passwords or having lax security policies, leave us most at risk. This is why human error is the cause of approximately […]

Guide to Improving Your Company’s Data Management 

Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses. It fuels insights, drives decision-making, and ultimately shapes your company’s success. But in today’s information age, data can quickly become overwhelming. Scattered spreadsheets, siloed databases, and inconsistent formatting. All these create a data management nightmare. This hinders your ability to leverage this valuable asset. Let this guide serve […]

Cyber Maturity: Are Aussie Businesses Lagging Behind?

In today’s digital landscape, you’d expect businesses to be cyber-ready. Yet, a recent report by Commvault and GigaOm shows cyber maturity is still a significant hurdle. The 2024 Cyber Recovery Readiness Report surveyed 1,000 IT pros worldwide and found only 13% of businesses are cyber mature. These companies, which deploy key resiliency markers, recover from […]

Australian SMEs Set to Embrace AI

Australian SMEs Set to Embrace AI A recent survey by Small Business Loans Australia reveals a significant trend: Australian SMEs are increasingly adopting artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Over the next two years, 60% of SMEs plan to integrate AI into their operations, with 25% already utilising AI tools such as automated reporting, chatbots, and customer […]

Navigating the AI Storm: Is Your Business Prepared for Cybersecurity Challenges?

A recent study by Absolute Security highlights a staggering statistic: 92% of businesses are unprepared for AI security challenges. As AI technology proliferates, businesses struggle with outdated software and hardware, rendering them vulnerable to new threats. This gap in readiness not only poses risks to data security, but also compliance with internal and external data […]

Smart Tactics to Reduce Cloud Waste at Your Business

Cloud computing offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. However, it can also lead to cloud waste—unnecessary spending on underutilised resources. With about 32% of cloud spending being wasted, there’s significant potential for cost savings. Here’s how you can reduce cloud waste and save money: Conduct a Comprehensive Cloud Audit Start with an audit to understand your […]

Dropbox Breach: The Unseen Fallout from an eSignature Service Hack

In a startling revelation, Dropbox, the widely-used cloud storage service, has confirmed a data breach that has left many users in a state of unease. This breach wasn’t a direct attack on Dropbox itself but rather a consequence of an attack on an eSignature service that Dropbox relied upon. Let’s delve into the details and […]

Dell Data Breach: The Alarming Exposure of 49 Million Customers’ Information

In a concerning development for tech giant Dell, the company has issued a warning about a major data breach potentially affecting 49 million customers. This breach has left countless users anxious about the security of their personal information. Let’s explore the details of this breach, its implications, and what steps Dell is taking to address […]